Frequently Asked Questions

1. This is my first massage. What should I expect?

Welcome! It is always an absolute honor to work with someone for their first massage experience! You will start by filling out an intake form. After you are finished, we will go over the information together in depth. I will ask you about any issues you are having now or usually living with that might not be present at our visit. I will also ask if there are any areas that you do not like touched or that are very sensitive, so I know to either avoid them completely or use less pressure. Then I will tell you to undress to your comfort level, where you can put your items, and how to get on the table. I will step out of the room and give you adequate time to accomplish this. I'll knock before reentering. We will start with some deep breaths together to calm the nervous system and bring us both into the present moment. I'll rest my hands on your shoulders and make my way around your body to help ground you further as well as get adjusted to hands being on you. Then I'll start the massage which will go slightly differently depending on the issues you want to address and the time frame we have to work within.


You do not HAVE to do anything! I suggest getting undressed to your comfort level.


Your comfort level is just that, what YOU are comfortable with. However, most people take everything off except for their underwear. I always suggest women take their bra off so I can access the shoulders and scapula (shoulder blade) area best. I can work around almost anything left on, but the flow and ability to use different techniques will be impaired. For the most relaxing and beneficial treatment, I feel it is best to have all clothing off. You will be covered the entire time, with only the part of the body I am working on undraped (exposed). Your private areas are never exposed.

4. Are you going to make me listen to pan flute and smell lavender?

During the intake when we go over your form, I will ask if you have any music or aromatherapy preferences. I want you to feel as at home as possible. If you don’t have preferences that is fine too! There is no pressure, it is simply an option.


That is something we can go over during the intake. I practice several modalities and usually use a combination of them during each session depending on the treatment goals.


Therapeutic massage is a limited branch of medicine. While it is generally safe, there are contraindications that can prohibit massage from being a suitable treatment. It is also important for me to know about medications you are on. For example, blood thinners can lead to bruising with deep pressure. Pain medication can inhibit your ability to tell me if the pressure is too much and damage to the tissue can occur. If I am aware of these I am able to adjust my work to ensure your safety.

7. Will this hurt?

Massage should never be painful. You may feel intense sensations at times but it should not feel like I am hurting you. If anything is ever uncomfortable or painful, always let me know. Pain causes inflammation which leads to further issues and negates any benefit to the massage. Intense sensations are releasing tension and should feel similar to when you do self massage on a tender area and it “hurts so good” with no severe pain.


Our sessions will be

  • Personalized

    Our initial sessions will be dedicated to assessing your current wellness and creating a personalized plan to fit your unique needs and goals. As our work together progresses, I will be taking inventory of what is working for you and what isn't. Your feedback, comfort, and safety are the most important tools we have to get you to the place you want to be.

  • Targeted

    Everyone has pain points when it comes to achieving full body wellness. I’ll work closely with you to help identify and overcome your triggers. This isn't another generic toxic body positivity space. I'm not interested in forcing people to feel what they don't or shaming anyone to believe something that doesn't feel authentic to them. I want to assist individuals to form a relationship with their body. A real one. I want people to view their bodies as they do any other relationship in their life. A healthy relationship isn't built on perfection. It's addressing the qualities you would like improved and working toward those in a stable supportive way. It's finding what can't, or truly doesn't want to be changed, and learning how to live with it in a way that rooted in acceptance. It's knowing that your body is always doing what it thinks is best to assist in your survival. Your body is your best friend, and I want to guide you in ways that nuture that bond.

  • Integrative

    Since achieving wellness is more than just one or two aspects of our lives, I’ll be guiding you toward other helpful practices. Things like mindfulness training, meditation, sound baths, aromatherapy, journaling, rituals, and more. I'll show you how to make things your own and implement them into your daily life in a way that isn't overwhelming. I will always provide you with other practitioners, facilities, groups, and activities because I believe people who have the most resources, will have better opportunities and choices.